Congratulations to the president for his efforts at CELAC Summit

Dear Editor,

The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) would like to take this opportunity to congratulate President Donald Ramotar, who led Guyana’s delegation to the recently-concluded Second Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), in Havana, Cuba.

President Ramotar, who was one of the many heads of state from the 33 member countries to be present, represented Guyana with distinction and has once again ensured that this country continues to have a voice on the international scene and contributes meaningfully to the resolving of global issues.

CELAC was created in December 2011 with the aim of deepening Latin American and Caribbean integration. This integration has always been foremost within the PPP/C, and the party has on numerous occasions advocated for such. Moreso, the theme under which the summit was held, “Eradication of hunger, poverty, and inequality in Latin America and Caribbean states”, is something which is synonymous and is the hallmark of the PPP/C’s thrust since its inception.

Our party founder, Dr Cheddi Jagan, and all of its leaders, including President Ramotar, have vehemently pursued the eradication of poverty, hunger, and inequality. This ingrained characteristic of the PPP/C is reflected through the billions of dollars which the PPP/C-led government continues to allocate in its budgets for the development of the social sectors and the improving of living standards for all. The testimony to these successes is overwhelming and is evident across the country.

While there is inequality and abject poverty in the CELAC member states, the PPP/C administration, through the prudent management of its successive presidents, has been able to drastically reduce these societal ills, resulting in Guyana now been classified as a developing country, as against a bankrupt and highly indebted poor country as it were in the region in 1992.

Then, it was classified as the second poorest nation in the western hemisphere – a classification which cast a shameful veil on all. While the PPP/C would be the first to admit that there is more to be done, today, all must be proud of the tremendous strides Guyana has made in improving the lives of all of its peoples.

It would, therefore, be remiss if the party does not once again note the great disservice which the opposition has imposed on Guyanese by misusing its combined one-seat majority in the National Assembly to scuttle the many transformative projects that the PPP/C-led administration has moved to realise, which would propel the nation’s development and by extension, eradicate poverty and hunger.

The party will not relent in its push to move Guyana’s development forward and would ensure, through its work, that the nation does not return to the days of bankruptcy and despair.

It is the party’s fervent hope that the opposition would come to the realisation of the harm it continues to cause the nation through its petty and vindictive politics.

It is, therefore, heartening to note that Guyana’s participation at international for a, like CELAC, is a vindication of the valiant efforts of the PPP/C-led administrations since 1992 to rebuild this country’s image, which was one of shame and stigmatisation during the tenure of the opposition.

Today, not only can Guyana boast of robust and meaningful participation in international fora, but of being able to take the lead in many of these events. Over the last few years, Guyana was chair of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR); chair of the board of directors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF); host of the Summit of the RIO Group; host of the Commonwealth Finance Ministers Meeting.  And Guyana continues to be a leading voice on the global issue of climate change.

The advocacy for the latter resulted in former President Bharrat Jagdeo being conferred with the “Champion of the Earth” award by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), a vindication of the respect earned on the international scene.

These positive developments were not by coincidence, but as a result of the hard work by the PPP/C administrations to not only place Guyana prominently internationally, but to ensure that its voice is heard.

President Ramotar, while attending the CELAC Summit in Havana, signed the declaration which now designates Latin America and the Caribbean region as a “Zone of Peace”.

The PPP/C has noted that during the president’s address, not only did he welcome the declaration, but called on CELAC to let its voice be heard with regard to what he described as neo-colonialism and the oppression that exists in Palestine. The president was adamant that wherever colonialism is weakened, it helps the region in its own struggles.

The PPP/C would also like to welcome the declaration making Latin America and the Caribbean a “Zone of Peace”, and once again congratulate President Ramotar for his efforts and that of his delegation, which included Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett and Housing and Water Minister, with responsibility for Tourism, Irfaan Ali for the successful representation in Havana.

The party, while cognisant that CELAC is a young organisation, knows that its success will redound positively to Guyana and Guyanese. Further, in the context where the president used the opportunity at the CELAC Summit to highlight the situation in Palestine, the party would like to reiterate its call for a peaceful political resolution to the situation in Syria through dialogues.

The party also notes that while in Havana, President Ramotar was among the few heads of state and government who were invited to attend the opening ceremony of the Mariel Port Facility and to participate in the annual midnight march to celebrate the birth anniversary of Cuba’s national hero, Jose Marti.

This is indicative of the strong and meaningful relations that exist between the government and people of Cuba and the government and people of Guyana. The PPP/C as a party has always enjoyed good relations with Cuba and continues to do so, and would also like to congratulate the government and people of Cuba for successfully hosting the summit.

Respectfully submitted,

PPP/C, Freedom House


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